
and maybe

hi. no text today.


of new things

hi just thought ill post a few things.

enock & yum - like my new comp/desktop? or should i say mac? yes... bandwagon jumper!

yeah im still trying to get used to all the buttons and such.

unto other things, i gotta go uni soon but thought ill post a few pics for yum on my tank - since enock told me that yum wants to see whats changed in our tanks. i dont really think much has changed.

ive put it on links. SO other non-fish enthusiast[how to spell, no spellcheck], wont have to load the images or look if they dont want to. i.e. jess/steph/nik/rach.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usFree Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usFree Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

pics aren't real good. i dont have a superfly camera like enocks. haha but i did use a tripod. beats my shaky hands.

p.s. yum... that rock look familiar? should play - 'spot yums things'.
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

okay bye. frankie says hi. chelsea lost 3-2 on aggregate to barca. mourinho on his way out.



b + log = b log

this is about this! i like writing. i could probably write for ages and ages about nothing too. must be a teacher-wannabe thing.

anyway sidetracked. yes i admit, i jumped on the blog band wagon. i mean come on everyone's got one.

but ill have a purpose for mine. only few of you punks read this, though i suspect only when you guys are bored. which is what i would too i guess.

- post pictures
- write stuff
- find out who actually reads this

okay bye.

edit: sorry enock/steph i had to republish this post. haha re-comment!!