
lonely nation

Hiiiiiiii guyzzzz. I must apologize! for the lack of updates has really made this blog redundant. no really, sorry guyzzzzzzz. in 3 words - ive been struggling. with uni work, some personal things which i dont know what they are and just been busy in general. uni work sucks, and lets leave it at that. okay lets not, like assingments and stuff is what ive been upto. i know ive probably failed the last 3 i handed in. SO lets just hope for the best.

perosonally, dont know. im struggling with something but i dont know what it is. BLEH who cares!

hehe i love my work. in case i havent todl you guys enough. at glendal primary school that is. hehe i wished i took more pics of the kids. but did yu know we are not allowed to have any pics with us with the kids? i read that somewhere in the Campaustralia policy. haha but anyway i have a pic from there. they are the best. i love my work. i love my work so much its not work! its just fun as to be there. to hang out and play with kids. haha jess can tell yu all about it really. simply awesome.

haha this pic is supposed to say "No Boys Allowed". haha it is interesting to note how this kid came to this spelling. she is probably prep or grade 1 i can't remember. but since i study linguistics and phonetics i can actually understand how she came to this conclusion. 'No' is pretty straight forward, but the 'bos' is simple. we all know the 'Buhh' sound is a B, and 'os' will follow becoz when really yu say BOYS, yu basically only pronouce the B and the OS. "alad" again the kid would only know the 'al' part as we know the sound 'ALL', and the word allowed, the sound ends with a D!

anyway theres more stuff to take pics of, but i haven't gotten around to them. haha but its awesome though. so funny.

okay! a pic for the girls!! can you guess where this is???? it is of even common interest to you guys. :O suprise suprise hehehe im not sure if yu guys know where it is though. sorry for the poor quality pic but it was taken wit my phone. :S well.. guess away!! how about if yu can guess it, ill dedicate my next blogpost to you. haha yes sounds like a deal.


Tannin? who had tannin? just a couple of pics mates... gotta clean it up abit. but its amazingly tannin-free. Bio Chem Zorb - i bought it yesterday and put it in the cannister. awesome, really awesome. now to clean up the particles... will be looking into a aquaball. even a co2 reactor soon. its pretty nifty the one enock has! again apologize for the poor pics, but yu get the gist. just some pics of the fishes but mainly the plants and the water clear'ness. haha turtles are hard to take pics of so yea. ill try abit later on. enjoy!